Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Kartini struggle, inspiring women today

Every April 21 is celebrated as the Day of Kartini. Kartini is a portrait of a true warrior's emancipation movement, for the sake of the nation's women-friendly civilization. However, Kartini's true emancipation not only fighters, but at the same time he thought the reform movement fighters.

Why not, when information technology is only in the form of books, magazines, paper and stationery, Kartini very young to get information and knowledge only through correspondence from his residence in the land of Java. With a wrenching anxiety he tried to wrestle out of his mind and feodal traditions around it. This portrait of a new springboard for Kartini so that people can be educated classes (educated).

The reform effort was made Kartini civilization in a way that smart. Kartini who can not attend formal cleverly done self-taught which is now more popularly known as "home schooling" through a correspondence which he did with many people.

Thanks to advertising in a periodical in the Netherlands, "Hollandsche Lelie," Kartini extraordinary acclaim for correspondence with intellectuals, teachers, feminist, humanist, political figures, Dutch government officials, members of the Dutch parliament and others.

Kartini who is fluent in Dutch by Pramoedya Ananta Toer in the book "Call Me Kartini Only" is "the first modern thinker who became Indonesia beginners as well as the history of modern Indonesia." At that time there has not been  Bung Karno and Bung Hatta with the writings or speeches, but Kartini is called "nationalism" with the word "solidarity".

Idealism was drawn up with sentences like this: "Pain is nothing contained in friendship Belanda society, and conversely that so it should be done externally, because without him the progress of the people is not entirely possible."

Kartini died when she was quite young. The seclusion of his life, makes him the victim of gender inequality, Kartini has become part of the practice of polygamy and feudalism.

But Kartini was a fighter first modern thought and inspiration for other thinkers. Kartini as a woman and as a very young person who has extraordinary ability in the observed problems of his era.

It was marked by the writings in the form of correspondence with people in Europe who initially thought Kartini modern society.

But an intelligent and sensitive Kartini struggled with trying to describe the situation in a letter in 1899 that he was the daughter of a regent called Raden Maya dismissed.
"Just Call Me Kartini-that's my name!" Kartini was in the days of colonialism and the darkness never subsided and continued to prosper up to 100 years in this age.

In our society, women are still considered the "queen" in the household, so that all existing problems in the household should be the responsibility of women. Thus, women more time is taken over the kitchen and child care.

This certainly has implications for the reduced activity of women in community activities.
In fact, it reinforces the notion in society that women deserve to be at home, because women are weak creatures who are unable to solve problems outside the home, do not have the ability to think and reflect, and have a more passive personality.

Such conditions are becoming increasingly entrenched in the community, and increase a woman confined to, even unconsciously, to enjoy it. For example, some village women, when they were invited or were invited in rembug citizens, they just said simply, "There is already a father who joined the meeting

"Thus, the solving of problems, including issues relating to women's poverty, it would be difficult to talk with women, because they are not involved or do not want to get involved.

Furthermore, the provision of opportunities for women to perform their social responsibilities as a human being must also diminishing.

Thus, the great potential possessed by women are not meant to be used, both for the domestic sector and public sector.

Thus, the contribution of women in each activity can not be felt by society.

Toward Civilization Millennium
At world level, the Secretary Genderal the United Nations in a speech in New York, February 28, 2005, at the opening session of the Commission on the Status of Women to mark 10 years after the Beijing Conference states, although 10 years after the Beijing Conference laid a series of action programs to accelerate equality for women, but still required the focused action to cut public situations that put women at the left position.

Seven priority action program contained in the Millennium Project Task Force in Education and Gender Equality is to strengthen access of girls to get a nine-year basic education, ensuring the rights of sexual and reproductive health of women, building infrastructure to reduce the workload of women and girls, guarantees the right to inheritance and property ownership rights of women and girls, ensuring no discrimination against women in employment, guaranteeing women's representation in parliaments and local governments, as well as increase efforts to eliminate violence against women and girls.

Seven courses of action aimed at achieving gender equality in line with the Millennium Development Goals (Millennium Development Goals / MDGs), is primarily in the third to the sixth goal.

The third to the sixth MDG goal is to promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improving maternal health and combating HIV / AIDS, malaria and other infectious diseases.

The Indonesian government has given its commitment to participate in the MDGs which aims, among others, in 2015, lived 7 years from now also reduce maternal mortality by WHO can be prevented by giving pregnant women access to health services, among others, the midwife or trained health personnel who able to detect if there are abnormalities in the pregnancy as early as possible.

Access to information and health care during pregnancy is also a way to prevent transmission of HIV / AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases in women. It's no secret that women are vulnerable to HIV / AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases from their husbands or partners because of the values ​​society places on women serving as party men.

Portrait of a subordinate relationship has resulted in women are always weak and attenuated by mainstrem (thinking) is masculine (masculine), so in the case of HIV / AIDS, women always get the sap.

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