Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Kartini struggle, inspiring women today

Every April 21 is celebrated as the Day of Kartini. Kartini is a portrait of a true warrior's emancipation movement, for the sake of the nation's women-friendly civilization. However, Kartini's true emancipation not only fighters, but at the same time he thought the reform movement fighters.

Why not, when information technology is only in the form of books, magazines, paper and stationery, Kartini very young to get information and knowledge only through correspondence from his residence in the land of Java. With a wrenching anxiety he tried to wrestle out of his mind and feodal traditions around it. This portrait of a new springboard for Kartini so that people can be educated classes (educated).

Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

When beauty becomes Inspiration

When a woman's beauty becomes a source of inspiration, Could he keep it flowing like a fountain, or was he just could be a dam for the unfettered lust.
Well ..... beauty is a gift, a sexy
need effort, but does it all enough to make us as a shining star ..... .... ough certainly not sweet then?? whether the label 3B (Beauty, Brain, Behavior) should be attached as a predicate best us ...... ehhhmm as a mediator may have to, because after all "packaging 3B" is the general legality of a perfection of a woman of today.

But does a "star" should always be shining?
The clouds often not deter the spring ....... or should always flow nodes?, is not in the coolness of black sand grains are often dissolved in it ......
Yup ..... in this life nothing is perfect honey .... just that we must continue to keep learning and make sense of the imperfections that we have become something beautiful ....

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011


The Guy Who Lives With His Mother

This one is easy to justify in your head - "Well...he needs to take care of his family," or "It's super temporary and it's only because he's trying to save money." No. The second he says you can't chill at his place because it's his mom's night to watch Desperate Housewives, say "peace." Avoid if you can. There's nothing like always having the guy in your apartment, or having to endure the walk of shame past his parents in their bathrobes. It also implies a few insecurities about growing up and being self-sufficient, something that is imperative to a relationship. Moving along...

Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

7 Habits That Accelerate Aging Skin

Aging skin is often determined by the health and lifestyle that you do every day. Making choices that do not will quickly lead to skin aging come earlier and this will make you look older faster. An important part of any program of anti-aging skin care is to know whether you are doing will harm the skin and accelerate the aging process of your skin. Here are 7 habits that have contributed greatly to the aging of skin:
Cigarette smoke: Whether you smoke, or you spend time with smokers? Cigarette smoke will damage and cause premature aging of your skin. Research shows that smoking cigarettes will significantly make wrinkles and dry skin. Because smoking and secondhand smoke will spend the content of Vitamin C which is an essential nutrient to keep skin moist. Some researchers believe that cigarette smoke (whether you smoke or not) can damage the skin like ultraviolet rays from the sun-baked.

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Healthy Hair Veiling By Rudy Hadisuwarno

VEIL be a form of Muslim devotion to his convictions. As a form of love of God's creation, veiled Muslim women must also care for hair health.

Hair care is covered by the cover is basically a little different with her hair left open, especially the intensity and type of wash used shampoo.

"For women in cover, wear no-dandruff shampoo, although the hair does not have a dandruff problem. Because the hair is covered throughout the day tend to be dandruff," said Rudy Hadisuwarno after the launch of "Extra Chocolate" Wonder Brown, Matrix, L'oreal Academy, Graha Surya Internusa,
Jalan HR. Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta, Wednesday (06/15/2011).

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

women is looked by men Glasses

Some say that we can not judge ourselves personally. That we are able to judge about other people like friends, parents, boyfriend, or neighbor. Does this also apply to women? In the sense that women can not give the impression that is proportional to the significance of women. Women often view themselves and each other as a flawless figure, but nobody is perfect. If there are statements that discredit their families, for example, the notion that women are matrealistis, they immediately tried to dodge by providing comparative statement that makes the surrounding re-think, "women are not matrealistis, but realistic." And that often find is in the real world when women have boldly ambiguous, gender with a population greater than men in this world can be answered lightly, "now's the time of emancipation. Men alone can have 4 wives, why women do not? "If there is more to think about careers and put off running the sunna of the Prophet Muhammad, they have reason to feel right which does not want to rely on post-married man so that now Drudge and sweat in pursuit of the material.
Then how men look at a figure said to be one of the weaknesses of it. 3A widely heard there that can drop the adam rightly or wrongly, that the treasure, throne, and women. The author tries to ask the two men from the profession and a different origin for the expression of an opinion regarding the post-emancipation of women and how women who prefer a career rather than thinking of the family of the man's glasses.
Dimas Bagus Farizky, Bandar Lampung, Student UNDIP. "Now women are more visible character and his ability not only at home, cook and keep the child. But yes do not get too far aja want ngelebihin men. Her husband's servant nature. Women who must be eradicated if women prefer it a career rather than thinking about the family. "